As described in an eNeuro manuscript, we examined the consistency of gray matter findings from published reading disability studies and then attempted to replicate those findings in a relatively large multi-site dataset. This study was part of a larger project to establish methods for multi-site studies.  Orbitofrontal and superior temporal sulcus gray matter volume was consistently lower in people with reading disability compared to controls across published studies and in the multi-site dataset. Results from the multi-site dataset were due to reading disability cases with relatively low total brain volume.  It appears then that the most consistent gray matter findings in the reading disability literature are driven by cases with low total gray matter volume. Interestingly, the orbitofrontal and superior sulcus gray matter effects were in locations where migrational errors were observed in post-mortem brains from people who had reading disability,; migrational errors that were most pronounced for a case with the lowest brain weight (Galaburda et al., 1985) . For those also interested in multi-site methods, please consider eNeuro manuscript as an example of how to deal with missing data across different research sites.

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