LC Map
We developed a locus coeruleus (LC) map to verify that brainstem findings from functional imaging studies fall within the space of the LC. This map was not developed for timeseries analyses and we suggest a reasonable amount of skepticism about functional connectivity results when this map is used to collect timeseries for correlational analyses. Results from this type of connectivity approach would ideally be supported by an independent measure of LC function.
A detailed description of the LC map is available in our manuscript at the link below.
Keren, N.I., Lozar, C.T., Harris, K.C., Morgan, P.S., Eckert, M.A. (2009).In vivo mapping of the human locus coeruleus. NeuroImage, 47(4), 1261-1267.
LC Map Manuscript (NIMG, 2009) (843.2 KiB, 3,493 hits)
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LC Map Files
Each map file is a binary image with 0.5 mm voxel resolution. The compressed file LC_1SD_2SD_BINARY_MAP.tgz contains two image volumes in NIfTI format. Please contact Mark Eckert for access to these files.
LC Map (439.8 KiB, 400 hits)
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